Zinc electroplating (Zn) EN ISO 19598

From weakly acidic chloride electrolyte for electroplating, it is possible to plate parts made of low alloy structural steels, alloy steels, gray cast iron, copper and copper alloys. Parts can be plated on racks or in barrels, depending on the dimensions of the item and the technical requirements.

Zinc plating on racks

Semi-automatic line  with 2 baths with 4500 liters of electrolyte. Maximum object dimensions:

  • length up to 3300 mm
  • height up to 1250 mm
  • width up to 450 mm

Coating thickness according to DIN and ISO standards max 15 – 20 microns.

Zinc electroplating in barrels

Small items such as screw goods, washers, nails, nuts, etc. are galvanized in barrel. The smallest dimensions of the objects that can be galvanized in this way are 1.5 mm in diameter (eg nails 1.5 mm thick). The thickness of the coating is  from 5 to 12 microns.

Chemical treatment of zinc plated surface

It is common for the zinc plated surface to undergo a chemical passivation process (conversion coating) after rinsing to increase the corrosion resistance of zinc and plated part as well as to achieve decorative properties.

We have the following types of passivations:

  • bright-blue passivation – Cr (III) – designation A or B
  • thick layer passivation – Cr (III) – designation Cn
  • INTERLOX® 5707 – treatment of zinc before painting or powder coating
  • thin film varnish – designation T2

Cr (III) passivation meets EU ELV and RoHS directives.

If necessary, zinc plated and passivated parts can significantly increase the anti-corrosion properties by treating them with special varnishes, which polymerize after drying – our line has this possibility!

In case the zinc plated surface is intended for later painting (fences, piers, doors, etc.) or powder coating, we recommend INTERLOX® 5707 because of its corrosion resistance and very good adhesion of the coating.

Dual Protection (Duplex System)

Special protection against corrosion is given by double protection, ie galvanizing and varnishing by conventional methods, using zinc primers, or electrostatic powder coating (plastification).

The application of this system avoids the possibility of corrosion of iron beneath the coating, which separates the coatings from the substrate by the effect of the wedge due to the increase in the volume of corrosion products.